Tip Up · Winter Ale
Our Tip Up Winter Ale is brewed with a touch of German Beechwood smoked malt, Minnesota hops, and a late kettle addition of young Minnesota spruce tips. Our hope is to encompass the joys of MN winters; a warming fire, the scent of conifers, and a satisfying day on the lake waiting for the big one to hit our line.
Availability: Winter (November − February)
Malts: British Pale Ale, German Beechwood Smoked, Brown and Carafa
Hops: Centennial and Cascade (both from Mighty Axe Hops – Foley, MN)
Additions: Spruce Tips (from RF Doering Farms – Clear Lake, MN)
OG: 1.075 | IBU: 34 | SRM: 16.5 | ABV: 7.5% |